TractMapping : Interpolated Tract Based Parameter Mapping 1.1 alpha (TractMapping)




Interpolated Tract Based Parameter Mapping


Interpolated Tract Based Parameter Mapping
Interpolates fibers trajectories to a fixed number of points.
Then maps these tracts onto a volume of interest and reports the values per tract, as well means.

Inputs are:
Fiber trajectory collection consisting of the trajectories from a single fiber bundle.
Volume(s) of contrast of interest, in the same space as where the fibers originate from
(i.e. the same b=0 image). Allows multiple volumes to be sampled with one set of tracts.
Number of points to interpolate the trajectories to.

Output consists of:
Image volume containing resampled fibers and the mapped data, dimensions (#pts, #tracts, XYZ+#contrasts)
.txt file with full description of data volume
.csv file with data summary; dimensions (#points, means and std dev of (XYZ and # contrasts))


Name Default Type File Extension Description
Fibers unknownObject
  • dat
    VolumeCollection - DataVolume
    Points Per Curve 100Integer - Points Per Curve


    Name Type File Extension Description
    Tract Mapping Volume Volume
    • dim{X,Y,Z,1}
    • type{any}
    xml Tract Mapping Volume
    Execution Time Performance - Execution Time


    Last modified by VANDERBILT\landmaba on Thu, 21 Jan 2010 14:27:27 CST