Labeling via Multiple Atlas Registrations 1.2 alpha (MultiAtlasLabel)




Uses N Atlases to label a target image with the same labels


This algorithm is used to label a volume by registering multiple atlases to the same target via multiple calls of single channel VABRA.


Name Default Type File Extension Description
    FileCollection - Atlases
    Atlases Labels
      FileCollection - Atlases Labels
      Target TargetVolume
      • dim{X,Y,Z,1}
      • type{any}
      Supported Formats Target
      Output Deformed Atlas Labels falseBoolean - Output Deformed Atlas Labels
      Output Registered Atlases falseBoolean - Output Registered Atlases
      Output Deformation Fields falseBoolean - Output Deformation Fields
      Configuration /home/VANDERBILT/landmaba/jist/build/jist-bin-modules/edu/jhu/ece/iacl/algorithms/vabra/config.xmlFile - Configuration
      Type for Channel 1 0:TriLinearOption
      1. 0:TriLinear
      2. 1:NNI
      - Type for Channel 1
      Type for Channel 2 0:TriLinearOption
      1. 0:TriLinear
      2. 1:NNI
      - Type for Channel 2
      Type for Channel 3 0:TriLinearOption
      1. 0:TriLinear
      2. 1:NNI
      - Type for Channel 3
      Type for Remaining Channels (Use Index from Options Above) (Optional) NumberCollection - Type for Remaining Channels (Use Index from Options Above)
      Percentile of Image Above Robust Maximum (0.0-1.0) 0Double - Percentile of Image Above Robust Maximum (0.0-1.0)
      Percentile of Image Below Robust Minimum (0.0-1.0) 0Double - Percentile of Image Below Robust Minimum (0.0-1.0)
      Number of Bins used in Histogram 64Integer - Number of Bins used in Histogram
      First Run 9-DOF Affine Registration (FLIRT) trueBoolean - First Run 9-DOF Affine Registration (FLIRT)
      Initialization Type PerformanceOption
      1. Performance
      2. Truth
      - Initialization Type
      Convergence Threshold 1.0E-7Double - Convergence Threshold
      Max Iterations 35Integer - Max Iterations
      MRF Regularization parameter 0Float - MRF Regularization parameter
      Connectivity 6Option
      1. 6
      2. 18
      3. 26
      - Connectivity


      Name Type File Extension Description
      Label Results for Target Volume
      • dim{X,Y,Z,1}
      • type{any}
      xml Label Results for Target
      Deformed Atlas Labels (Intermediate Result) (Optional) VolumeCollection - Deformed Atlas Labels (Intermediate Result)
      Registered Atlases (Intermediate Result) (Optional) VolumeCollection - Registered Atlases (Intermediate Result)
      Deformation Fields (Intermediate Result) (Optional) VolumeCollection - Deformation Fields (Intermediate Result)
      Transformation Matrices (Intermediate Result) (Optional) FileCollection - Transformation Matrices (Intermediate Result)
      Execution Time Performance - Execution Time


      Last modified by VANDERBILT\landmaba on Thu, 21 Jan 2010 14:27:27 CST