STAPLE Surface RC (STAPLE_Surface)




STAPLE - Simultaneous Truth and Performance Level Estimation applied to surface labels.


STAPLE - Simultaneous Truth and Performance Level Estimation applied to surface labels.Given a number of surface labelings of a particular strucute, STAPLE returns membership functions of the Truth. This implementation requires that each element of the input collection be a full surface object, and must therefore include all vertex/edge/face data. For a more light-weight implementation, see STAPLEgeneral.


Name Default Type File Extension Description
Rater Surfaces
    SurfaceCollection - Rater Surfaces
    Initialization Type PerformanceOption
    1. Performance
    2. Truth
    - Initialization Type
    Regularization 0Float - Regularization
    Kernel Size 2Float - Kernel Size
    MRF Solver ICMOption
    1. ICM
    2. RL
    - MRF Solver
    Max Delta for Convergence 1.0E-5Float - Max Delta for Convergence
    Max Iterations 30Integer - Max Iterations
    Data Offset 0Integer - Data Offset
    Output Label Probability Surfaces? falseBoolean - Output Label Probability Surfaces?


    Name Type File Extension Description
    Labeled Surface Surface vtk Labeled Surface
    Label Probability Surfaces (Optional) SurfaceCollection - Label Probability Surfaces
    PerformanceLevels Object null Returns a description of the performance levels for each rater in matrix form.The i-jth element represents the probability that label i was selected when label j was the truth.
    Execution Time Performance - Execution Time



    Last modified by VANDERBILT\landmaba on Thu, 21 Jan 2010 14:27:27 CST