Package edu.jhu.cs.cisst.algorithms.optimize.fmg.grid

Interface Summary
ConstBoundaryGrid An interface to the constant methods of class BoundaryGrid.
ConstGrid Interface to the constant methods of class Grid.
ConstNoBoundaryGrid An interface to the constant methods of class NoBoundaryGrid.

Class Summary
BoundaryGrid An implementation of Grid where a boundary of some kind is supported.
FixedBoundaryGrid An implementation of BoundaryGrid where all the boundary elements are set once at construction time to a single, common value and remain fixed thereafter.
Grid A grid in 3D whose elements are alterable doubles.
NoBoundaryGrid An implementation of class Grid where no boundary is allowed.
PeriodicBoundaryGrid An implementation of BoundaryGrid where the boundary elements are periodic images of interior grid elements.
RepeatBoundaryGrid Uses a repeating value boundary condition, which is equivalent to having Neumann boundary conditions with the derivative at the boundary being zero.