Package edu.jhu.cs.cisst.algorithms.optimize.fmg.smoother

Interface Summary
Smoother This interface defines the smooth() method which is used for smoothing the approximate solution of a linear elliptic partial differential equation (PDE) on a regular cubic grid in 3D before and/or after going to the next coarser grid in the Multigrid (MG) algorithm.

Class Summary
DampedJacobi An implementation of the damped Jacobi method of relaxing (thereby smoothing) the solution of a linear elliptic PDE.
DampedJacobiSmoothParallelizer A helper class of class DampedJacobi that implements method DampedJacobi.smooth() in a parallel manner.
RedBlackGaussSeidel An implementation of the Red-Black Gauss-Seidel method of relaxing (thereby smoothing) the solution of a linear elliptic PDE.