Package edu.jhu.cs.cisst.algorithms.segmentation.gac

Class Summary
ActiveContourForce2D The Class ActiveContourForce2D is an abstract class to represent level set forces.
AdvectionForce2D The Class AdvectionForce2D moves the zero level set in the direction of the force field.
DistanceField2D Calculate 2D distance field using the Fast-marching method.
GaussianCurvatureForce2D The Class GaussianCurvatureForce2D moves the level set using Gaussian curvature, defined as the determinant of the second fundamental form divided by the determinant of the first fundamental form.
GeodesicActiveContour2D The Class GeodesicActiveContour2D segments an image using the sparse matrix method.
GradientVectorFlow2D The Class GradientVectorFlowField2D extends a gradient field using vector field diffusion.
GridPoint2D The Class GridPoint2D stores information about a narrow band node.
MeanCurvatureForce2D The Class MeanCurvatureForce2D moves the level set according to mean curvature.
PressureForce2D The Class PressureForce2D moves the level set outwards in regions of positive pressure and inwards in regions of negative pressure.
VectorFieldDiffusion2D The Class VectorFieldDiffusion2D describes the vector field diffusion PDE for use by the multi-grid solver.

Enum Summary
GradientVectorFlow2D.Method The Enum Method.
VectorFieldDiffusion2D.Dimension The Enum Dimension.