Package edu.jhu.ece.iacl.jist.pipeline

Contains components for the CRUISE Control Pipeline.


Interface Summary
ExecutionContext.ContextListener Listener to monitor for updates to an execution context.
JistPreferences.PreferenceListener Listens for changes in preferences.
PipeModule.PipeListener Listener class to monitor for updates to pipe modules.
PipePort.PortListener Listener class to monitor for changes to a port.

Class Summary
AbstractCalculation Observable Calculation allows a calculation to be monitored.
AlgorithmInformation Information that describes the algorithm, including its authors, citations, and version information.
AlgorithmInformation.AlgorithmAuthor The Class AlgorithmAuthor.
AlgorithmInformation.Citation The Class Citation.
CalculationMonitor Monitor a calculation during its execution.
ExecutionContext An Execution Context provides threaded execution of a processing algorithm with a specified set of input parameters.
JistPreferences MAPS preferences.
MipavScriptRunner Overload MIPAV's script runner.
MipavViewUserInterface Overload MIPAV's view user interface.
ObservableCalculation An empty calculation to use as the root calculation for the Calculation monitor.
PerformanceSummary Summary of start and stop times for different tasks within an algorithm.
PerformanceSummary.TimeAndMemoryStamp The Class TimeAndMemoryStamp.
PipeAlgorithm A pipe module for processing algorithms.
PipeAlgorithmGroup Algorithm group is an aggregation of PipeAlgorithms.
PipeChildPort Port that allows a Pipe Source to be a child of another Pipe Source.
PipeConnector A Pipe Connector provides a connection between an input and output port.
PipeDestination Pipe Module for processing destinations.
PipeLayout Pipe Layout stores all information necessary to construct the pipe graph and layout preferences.
PipeLayout.RunParameters The Class RunParameters.
PipeLayoutRunner The Class PipeLayoutRunner.
PipeLibrary Interface to open, edit, and save module definitions.
PipeLibrary.CompareFactories The Class CompareFactories.
PipeLibrary.CompareFiles The Class CompareFiles.
PipeLibrary.InitializeTask Worker to find and initialize module definitions in library directory.
PipeLibrary.RebuildTask Worker to rebuild library from module definitions in the library directory.
PipeLogic Module for performing logical operations on parameters that do not require algorithms (i.e.
PipeModule A Pipe Module is the generic class for graph objects.
PipeParentPort Port that allows a Pipe Source to be a parent of another Pipe Source.
PipePort<T> The Class PipePort.
PipeRunner Pipe Runner is responsible for executing a particular pipe algorithm given an input parameter file.
PipeScheduler Pipe scheduler creates and schedules the execution of execution contexts.
PipeSource Module for generating parameters used as input to algorithm modules.
ProcessingAlgorithm Processing Algorithm for MAPS.
ProcessingApplication Processing Application for MAPS.
ProcessingDialog Processing Dialog is a generic class that replaces all MIPAV plug-in dialogs The dialogs are auto-generated based on the input and output parameters.
ProcessingGroupDialog Processing Dialog is a generic class that replaces all MIPAV plug-in dialogs The dialogs are auto-generated based on the input and output parameters.

Enum Summary
DevelopmentStatus The Enum DevelopmentStatus.
ExecutionContext.Status The Enum Status.
ExecutionContext.Update The Enum Update.
JistPreferences.NamingConvention The Enum NamingConvention.
PipePort.type Differentiate between input and output ports.

Exception Summary
AlgorithmRuntimeException Algorithm Runtime Exception for error that occurs when running an algorithm.

Package edu.jhu.ece.iacl.jist.pipeline Description

Contains components for the CRUISE Control Pipeline. Processing Modules also serve as Mipav plug-ins.