Package edu.jhu.ece.iacl.jist.pipeline.parameter

Contains factories for manipulating parameter values.


Interface Summary
CompatibilityChecker Check for compatibility between ports.
JISTInternalParam Interface used to flag options which are strictly internal to the JIST system.
ObjectCollection<T> A data collection is a parameter that contains a collection of parameters.
ParamPoint Parameter that stores a 3d point.

Class Summary
DataLabel Data label for TOADS.
DataLabelCollection Collection data labels.
ParamArgsOrder Argument order for command line calls.
ParamBoolean Boolean Parameter.
ParamCollection Parameter Collection.
ParamColor The Class ParamColor.
ParamDataLabel Data Label Parameter.
ParamDouble Double Parameter.
ParamExecutable Executable file parameter.
ParamFile File parameter used to store a file name with a particular file extension.
ParamFileCollection File collection stores a collection of files.
ParamFloat Float Parameter.
ParamHeader Header identifies plug-in.
ParamHidden<T> Hidden parameter.
ParamInformation Stores information about algorithm.
ParamInteger Integer Parameter.
ParamLong Long Parameter.
ParamMatrix Number Parameter storage.
ParamMipavDialog Parameter for storing reference to mipav dialog.
ParamModel<T> Generic Parameter with a bridge to interface with methods in the parameter getFactory().
ParamMultiOption An parameter that allows the user to select more than one option.
ParamNumber Number Parameter storage.
ParamNumberCollection Number collection stores a collection of numbers.
ParamObject<T> Parameter for generic object which uses specified reader/writer.
ParamOption Option Parameter to select between different text options.
ParamPerformance Parameter to store algorithm performance information.
ParamPointDouble 3D Point parameter for double floating point.
ParamPointFloat 3D Point parameter for floating point.
ParamPointInteger The Class ParamPointInteger.
ParamString String parameter.
ParamSurface Surface parameter file.
ParamSurfaceCollection Surface collection stores a collection of files.
ParamSwitch Command line switch parameter.
ParamVolume Parameter volume specifies a CubicVolume with restrictions for the dimensions and data type.
ParamVolumeCollection Volume collection stores a collection of files.
ParamWeightedVolume<T> Weighted volume to store a volume and a weight associated with the volume.
ParamWeightedVolumeCollection<T> Weighted volumes stores a collection of cubic volumes and weights associated with each volume.

Enum Summary
ParamFile.DialogType The Enum DialogType.

Exception Summary
InvalidParameterException Invalid Parameter Exception is thrown when a parameter value does not validate.
InvalidParameterValueException Invalid Parameter Value Exception is thrown when the setValue() method is used for an invalid data type.

Package edu.jhu.ece.iacl.jist.pipeline.parameter Description

Contains factories for manipulating parameter values.